This service was designed and implemented for managers of high-quality turfgrass in Florida and is now available to turfgrass managers worldwide. The biggest distinction between this and the standard services provided by the UF IFAS Plant Disease Clinic is the turn-around time for sample results, the direct involvement of the UF Extension Turfgrass Pathologist, and the price charged for the service. The price is $75 for domestic US samples and reflects the added costs associated with a full-time student dedicated to turfgrass diagnostics with rapid turn-around time. International samples cost $300 and must be sent with our shipping label and permit available from . Financial support generated through this program is appreciated.
A preliminary diagnosis will be provided within 1 to 3 business days of receiving the sample. The preliminary diagnosis will be based on visual observation of the sample upon arrival, communications with the sample submitter, and inspection of samples for disease symptoms and pathogen signs after incubation in a moisture chamber. Recommendations will be made to steer short-term management strategies based on these observations. If no pathogens are detected, the diagnosis and recommendation will be based on symptom appearance and timing, host affected, and observations of disease trends for the area.
The final report will provide a diagnosis based on culture plate results and additional observations after extended incubation. Fungicide recommendations will be made that reflect the results of research conducted at the University of Florida.
Additional information in the final report will include EC and pH data for some samples. Soluble salts (EC) and pH evaluations (if made) will be performed according to the procedures indicated in the ESTL Analytical Procedures and Training Manual: UF/IFAS Extension Soil Testing Laboratory (ESTL) Analytical Procedures and Training Manual Mylavarapu, Rao S., E.D. Kennelley. 2002.
Cup-cutter samples cannot offer a representative population of a nematode infestation, however; roots will be inspected for damage. If nematode feeding damage is suspected, this will be indicated in the report. Submitting a sample for nematode assay will also be recommended. Instructions for proper nematode sampling techniques can be found at Nematode Management for Golf Courses in Florida Crow, W. T. 2001.
The final diagnosis and recommendation can be e-mailed, faxed, telephoned, or sent via regular mail. Please indicate your preferred method of reply on the submission form.
Services Not Provided
- Nematode quantification
- Pesticide residue recommendations
- Soil nutrient levels or plant tissue analysis for macro or minor elements
- Toxic plant identification and mycotoxin analysis.
- Pathogen determination from water sources
- Pathogen determination from soil or growing media by baiting or culturing methods
Dr. Phil Harmon
Turfgrass Pathologist and Extension Specialist with UF IFAS Department of Plant Pathology
Phone: 352-273-4622
Position open
Rapid Turf Diagnostician with UF IFAS Department of Plant Pathology
Phone: 352-392-1795
- Entomology and Nematology Department
- Environmental Horticulture Department
- Extension Soil Testing Laboratory
- Florida Master Gardener Program
- Horticultural Sciences Department
- IPM Florida
- Living Green
- Pesticide Information Office
- Plant Pathology Department
- ProHort
- Soil and Water Science Department