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Turfgrass Science

Turfgrass Science

Our team of UF/IFAS researchers works to expand the knowledge and understanding of turfgrass management and the role it plays in the ecosystem.

Video highlighting the collaborative effort by six land-grant universities to develop new drought, shade, and salinity tolerant turfgrasses for use in the landscape and on golf courses and sports fields. Funding from the USDA-NIFA Specialty Crop Research Initiative. 

Nematode Assay Lab
Best Management Practices for the Enhancement of Environmental Quality of Florida  Golf Courses
Rapid Turf Diagnostic  Service


2024 UF/IFAS North Central Florida
Turfgrass Field Day



at the UF/IFAS
Plant Science Research
and Education Unit
2556 West Hwy 318
Citra, FL 32113

Attendees listening to a lecturer at a turfgrass field day. Photo taken 10-04-23. UF/IFAS Photo by Tyler Jones.


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