Professor of Nematology Steinmetz Hall
1881 Natural Area Dr.
Gainesville, FL 32611 (352) 273-3941
Adam Dale
Associate Chair for Extension
Associate Professor
Turfgrass and Ornamental Entom Steinmetz Hall
1881 Natural Area Dr.
Gainesville, FL 32611 (352) 273-3976
Michael Dukes
Professor, Irrigation
Director, UF/IFAS Center for Land Use Efficiency 2140 NW Waldo Rd, Bldg. 1603
P.O. Box 110675
Gainesville, FL 32609 (352) 294-6720
Phil Harmon
Professor Rm. #1424, Fifield Hall
2550 Hull Road
Gainesville, FL, 32611 (352) 273-4622
Kevin Kenworthy
Professor, Plant Breeding & Molecular Genetics Main Campus
PO Box 110500
Building 350
Gainesville, FL 32611 (352) 262-8719
Jason Kruse
Associate Professor / Turfgrass Management Environmental Horticulture
University of Florida
PO Box 110670
1511 Fifield Hall (352) 273-4569
A.J. Lindsey
Assistant Professor / Urban Turfgrass Management Environmental Horticulture Department
PO Box 110670
GAINESVILLE, FL 32611 (352) 273-4591
Pawel Petelewicz
Assistant Professor, Weed Science Weed Sciences Field Building
1425 Museum Drive, Building 258, Room 5
Gainesville (352) 392-7512
Marco Schiavon
Assistant Professor
Environmental Horticulture/Turfgrass Science 3205 College Avenue
Davie, FL 33314 (954) 577-6336
J. Bryan Unruh
Associate Center Director and Professor
Turfgrass Science Jay Admin Rm. 15
UF/IFAS West Florida REC
4253 Experiment Rd., Hwy. 182 (850) 983-7105