Turfgrass Research Envirotron

Gainesville is also home of the University of Florida Turfgrass Research Envirotron, a laboratory, greenhouse, and rhizotron facility located on campus. State of the art equipment and buildings allow for on-site scientific research and testing. The greenhouse buildings house numerous research projects from many different departments on campus. This facility is overseen by Dr. Jason Kruse.

West Florida Research and Education Center

In the Panhandle, the West Florida Research and Education Center at Jay simulates the heavier soils and colder temperatures found throughout much of western Florida. The expanding research program at this location is under the direction of Dr. J. Bryan Unruh, who focuses on herbicide and pesticide trials, methyl bromide alternatives, and general management of golf course, athletic field, and home lawn grasses.

Ft. Lauderdale Research and Education Center

In South Florida, the Ft. Lauderdale Research and Education Center is home to turfgrass research. Dr. Marco Schiavon conducts a variety of experiments at this location, focusing primarily on nutrient and water management.